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Product Description
ESD vinyl flooring is widely used in clean rooms, manufacturing & assembly workshops of electronic products, hospitals, data centers & computer rooms, and other areas that require an anti-static environment. There are two kinds of ESD vinyl flooring, ESD tile and ESD sheet. Both tile and sheet are homogeneous structures, and electronic resistance can meet both conductive(10^4-10^6Ω) and static-dissipative(10^6-10^9Ω).

How Does a Static-Control Floor Provide a Path to Ground?
In the manufacturing process, ESD floor tiles are loaded with conductive elements, such as carbon, graphite or particles coated with metals, that provide electrical conductivity. When the floor becomes electrically charged, these conductive elements act as an electrical chain, conducting electricity from the surface of the floor through its entire thickness. Static-control flooring is installed over an electrically conductive underlayment, such as conductive copper foils or carbon-loaded adhesive.
The underlayment forms a conductive ground plane that unifies all the contiguously-installed tiles in the room. Copper grounding strips, attached to the underlayment, are connected to either an electrical outlet or an earth ground such as a steel I-beam or a grounding rod. This electrical connection allows static to complete its circuit and flow safely to ground. The static generated when people walk on the ESD floor flows at a controlled rate through the conductive elements in the floor, across the underlayment, to the copper strips, to ground. Instead of remaining on the floor’s surface or moving through humans to whatever they touch, static is drawn downward, toward ground, where it can no longer wreak havoc.

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When we think of static in our everyday lives, most of us think nuisance—static cling, particle attraction, irritating static shocks. To perceive these common effects of static electricity—to feel a static shock—the discharge must be at least 3500 volts. Though we may not enjoy feeling a 3.5 kV shock, it’s no big deal—to us. This illustration shows a hand reaching for a door knob to demonstrate an ESD event - a shock from touching metal - that might be felt by a human Electronic components built or assembled in electronics manufacturing plants, circuit boards, hand-held electronic devices, headsets, and sophisticated computer equipment typically used in labs, hospitals, server rooms, FAA flight towers, 9-1-1 dispatch operations, mission-critical call centers—even in theaters and casinos—contain microelectronic parts that are highly sensitive to minute changes in electrical current. So sensitive, in fact, that they can be damaged—and data compromised, if not lost or destroyed—by a static discharge as low as 20 volts. Well below the human threshold for perception. We’ve all, at one time or another, been slowed down, laid-up, or knocked out by a cold. A static discharge of 20 volts is about as perceptible as breathing the germs that cause the common cold. We don’t know they are there—until……….
When we walk on certain floors, the friction between the soles of our shoes and the floor generates a static charge.* This static charge stays in place, on the surface of our body, until we touch something, then it jumps or discharges to that person or object.
This release of electricity is called an electrostatic discharge, or ESD. When static discharges to a static-sensitive electronic component, the sudden rush of electrical current can damage or destroy its internal circuitry.
In most workplace environments, the static generated when people walk is the biggest contributor to random ESD events (or problems caused by electrostatic discharge). For this reason, a static-protective floor—or an ESD floor/footwear combination—is the cornerstone of any effective static-control program.